The Ultimate Guide to Beating an Escape Room

Many people come to Escape Room Games for something different, thinking they’ll have a nice leisurely time solving puzzles and chatting with friends. And for some, this truly is their experience. They’re there for the fun of it, and don’t really care if they manage to escape on time. But some people get competitive. From the moment they enter the room, they’re shouting out orders and clues, and clearly have a game plan. If you suspect this would be you, then read on for some of our tips on what makes it more likely for you to succeed. We can’t promise that you’ll definitely win, but you’ll definitely have a head start. So, read on to go through our ultimate guide on beating an Escape Room.

Familiarise yourself with the room’s layout.

Search the room thoroughly – open all the drawers and doors you can, look under cabinets, behind furniture and around picture frames. Look for hidden doors and compartments, but don’t try to force anything – you’ll never have to break anything to find clues. You’ll find that most Escape Rooms, wherever they are across the world, follow the same principles. Knowing this will save you time as you navigate your way around the room with your fellow teammates. Remember, clues won’t be secreted in such a complex way that you’ll need to dig up the ground to find them or climb the furniture to reach the ceiling. and if you do have to do either of these things, there will be explicit instructions to let you know. The game is designed for you to find most of the clues and solve them within an hour, so don’t overthink it.

Keep clues and puzzles in one safe place.

Don’t lose the clues you find, because if you do, you may never find them again and this could cost you the game. There’s a lot in the room to consider, so it makes sense to allocate a central place to put all your clues once you’ve found them. Then it’s easy to find everything useful and work puzzles out together as a team.

Play with people you know.

If you play with people you know, there won’t be any awkwardness that you sometimes get with new people, or worse, if you’re placed in a room with someone you potentially don’t like. Pick people with common interests and goals and people you know who won’t let you down. They could be co-workers, people you’re familiar with on a regular basis, or perhaps close friends or family.


As you navigate the room, make sure that everyone knows what has been found and what stage of the game you’re at. The best team is one that utilises all of their players’ individual strengths, and you can’t do that if some people aren’t given the chance to solve the puzzles. You’ll find that different people excel at different parts of the room, and for the best chance of success you should make sure you continually check in with each other, and communicate effectively.

Play with a team that’s less than the maximum amount.

You’re supposed to have from 2 up to 6 players in most Escape Room Games, but we suggest you go in with fewer people than the maximum amount. That way it won’t get too crowded, there’ll be enough for each person to do, there’ll be no one standing around and no one will be tripping over each other or bumping into the furniture. It will also be easier to ensure everyone gets their chance to shine.

Escape UK – for the ultimate game you want to ultimately beat.

Now we’ve given away our secrets, we know you’ll be dying to come down here to try things out for yourself. After all, this is one of the most exciting kinds of game that you can do as a group. It’s interactive and terrific fun. Book your room over the phone or online and we’ll see you soon for the best hour of your life.